Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Case study on how not to run a business

I am having fun reading the comments at the bottom of this Netflix announcement. For all the jokes we make about the average person or consumer being dumb, this is a great example of not a single customer being fooled by an egregious rate hike and accompanying corporate spin-job.

I'm honestly impressed...Netflix has handled things so badly, that they've united 100% of respondents' opinions in one direction. Do you realize how hard it is to get every last person to agree on anything? Especially on the Internet? If I posted a blog called "Food and water are necessary to live," and enough people respond, I think a disagreement would break out eventually.

The great thing about our free market is that a company run this poorly, is going away. Blockbuster, Hulu, and Amazon are coming for you Netflix.

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