Thursday, February 18, 2010

Old cover-ups die hard

So Eldrick Woods is having his little pep rally tomorrow. We can't call it a press conference, since questions aren't allowed. But, with the proper credentials granted, reporters can watch from a bar a mile away, so they've got that going for them. No, this is only an assembly of Woods' "friends." It's kind of sad that ESPN and the rest of the sports media goes along with this, instead of refusing to carry this farce.

Nice try again, Urkel. You're only delaying your comeuppance, not canceling it. FAIL. Also, you're 1/3rd of a mediorce-to-good Ping Pong player, 1/64th of Curtis Martin right up until the end of his career, and 1/18th of David Eckstein (with 1/97th the amount of grit). Oh, and you're uglier than this guy. (Incidentally, that guy is married to the underrated Candace Parker. Who'd have thunk it, right?)

I wanted to spend more time crushing this dirt-bag, given new information such as the yet more women surfacing, but frankly it isn't worth that much of my computer time. I'll instead just relay a couple thoughts from others regarding what to expect tomorrow that I enjoyed - WTEM's Andy Pollin predicting that Woods has been working with an acting coach and will fake-cry...and author John Feinstein joking that pom-poms will be handed out at the door.

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