Thursday, April 16, 2009

Boom...Madden retires

I'm a little surprised at the announcement of John Madden's retirement...not because of his age, of course, but because there were no rumors of it happening, at least none that I heard. Good for John for keeping the lid on pretty tight. I always respect a clean, certain (aka "non-gunslinger") retirement. A couple of things though...

-Cris Collinsworth takes over in the NBC booth with the best in the business, Al Michaels. Not being a big fan of Collinsworth, can I petition the NFL to just prepare a comprehensive set of Madden commentaries to fire off at the appropriate time, like in the EA Sports video game? Hey, we might not even be able to tell the difference.

-Does it bother Madden that in the last game he called, his arch rival of the 1970s, the Pittsburgh Steelers, won the Super Bowl and cemented their place as the best franchise in football, and maybe in all of professional sports? As a Raider, that's gotta hurt.

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