Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Another one of my special reminders

As the 2008 NFL season approaches, it's easy to forget the recent past. So I would like to once again point out that last season the Giants won the Super Bowl. Also, the Patriots were caught cheating, and they lost the one Super Bowl they didn't try to cheat in.


Unknown said...

I just wanted to say how awesome it was that as I read this the google ads thing at the top of your blog was advertising Brett Favre Jets jerseys.

Bill said...

Sweet! And just now I got this one: "Brett Favre Jets t-shirts. Love him or hate him, he's coming back."

How funny that when he was a Packer, he was admired unconditionally and could do no wrong. But now that he comes to the Jets, he's made out to be an emotion-stirring, polarizing figure, like he's George W. Bush or something. Poor Jets. They just can't win. (I mean that literally...they just can't win a championship.)

mkenny59 said...

This is interesting information that you speak of. Cheating, you say? Well, I'm sure they were at least remorseful, and not condescendingly arrogant about the whole thing.

And congratulations to those Giants. Good for them.

Unknown said...

I wonder how long it will be before Bill buys his own Jets #4 jersey? I predict a purchase by week 5. Unless he dies on the field before then.

Shawn Paradise said...

If we had not asked about when he would buy the jersey, I would guess after the first two consecutive wins; which should be around weeks 11-12. Now that we pointed it out he won't be able to wear the jersey in public until February.