Sunday, April 13, 2008

Red Sox fans take this curse thing a little too seriously

I don't understand this. How would burying a David Ortiz jersey under the new Yankee Stadium, curse the Yankees? Or, was the guy hoping to further un-curse the Red Sox? Clearly he knows his team already broke their curse, in the horrible, horrible October of 2004. Are there varying degrees of curses, or is something either cursed, or not cursed? I think someone should write a definitive book or movie about curses to settle this whole thing once and for all. Until then, I'll just start here, since it contains Shannon Elizabeth. Though I don't know if it will help with the whole baseball thing.


Unknown said...

You are right. Red Sox fans do take it too seriosly and that was stupid for a Red Sox fan to do (although not really surprising). However, by even acknowledging it and taking the time, effort, and money to remove the jersey the Yankees have played into it way more than they should have.

Bill said...

That is possible about the Yanks playing into it...but I think it's more a case of, they just don't want their concrete to fall apart. I don't know much about construction, but that could mess up the "structural integrity" at least a little!