Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hey your cornhole, man.

Growing up in central New Jersey, a great part of my childhood was playing the Bean Bag Game with my family. The object was to toss your round bean bags, into a hole in a wooden board on the other side. Sort of like horseshoes, but way more awesome. And yes, that's the official name: The Bean Bag Game. So, you can imagine my confusion when I saw this.

"Cornhole." Really? Who knew our beloved game had such a vulgar name? I think of something a little different when I hear about a couple of dudes playing corn hole with each other. But that's just me. And it's not just that one site either - Wikipedia has it too, and we all know Wikipedia can never be wrong.

Oh well. To me, this is just more proof that there is right, and there is wrong. Unlike the classic show Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction, truth and falsehood are not just different shades of grey (or created by the hallucinations of "researcher" Robert Trailins). I will not allow cultural relativism into my leisure sports.

And the bags are round, not square. The hole is round, why would the bags be square? Any 4 year old playing with pegs knows that. And it's 6 bean bags in a set, not 4. Sheesh.

1 comment:

mkenny59 said...

I can't believe you played cornhole in New Jersey! I didn't even hear about it until I got here. And yes, I call it cornhole, BECAUSE it's so offensive. In fact, I was playing it on Saturday. It's my new favorite game. It's very similar to a game called "anal warts," which some people prefer to call "horseshoes."