Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Bill's Fantasy Music Station

Here at WDDB, we're playing what would best be considered Mainstream Rockwith no band garnering more than 4% of the playlist.  And for simplicity's sake, we have just four tiers:

The Top Tier - 4% shares of the playlist
You'll hear these artists every 25 plays, or about once every 2.5 hours.  

Foo Fighters

The unique thing about this tier of six, is that each group gets their own daily feature at a set time.  KSLX has "Get the Led out," and KUPD has "Mandatory Metallica."  We have Aerosmith at 9am, Foo Fighters at noon, Metallica at 3, Rush at 6, Queen at 9, and YES at midnight.  Each is a block of three deep tracks you won't get anywhere else.  

The Middle Tier - 3% shares of the playlist
You'll hear these artists every 33.3 plays, or about once every 3.3 hours

Alice In Chains
Guns N Roses
The Offspring
Van Halen

The Bottom Tier - 2% shares of the playlist
You'll hear these artists every 50 plays, or about once every 5 hours

Billy Joel
Black Sabbath/Ozzy Osbourne
The Cars
Creedence Clearwater Revival
Collective Soul
David Bowie
Dire Straits
Dream Theater
Gerry Raferty
Lynyrd Skynyrd
The Police
Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Scorpions
Stone Temple Pilots
The Who
ZZ Top

*The Flexible Tier - A combined 12% share of the playlist
You'll hear one of these artists every 8 or 9 plays, or about once every 50 minutes

Listener Requests
Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks
Rolling Stones
Led Zeppelin
The Doors
The Eagles/Joe Walsh

*We play these bands equally, and capped at 2% as well, but they also share their portion with any requests we receive. Obviously, the most requested band will be OAOB, so that might end up the top played act, even more than the top tier.  We honor as many requests as we get, so if we're popular and 10% of our plays are requests, so be that case, these giants share merely the remaining 2% of plays.  Why so little?  Because we know you can go somewhere else to get them in spades, while we're not uniquely passionate about them.  (We don't play Tom Petty, Steve Miller Band, Def Leppard, or Pink Floyd in regular rotation either, for the same reason...but you could also request those if you wanted to.)  This is also the tier that holds all "miscellaneous" plays, such as one-offs like Live (almost any song from Throwing Copper), The Hollies (Long Cool Woman) or Kid Rock.

Now I know what you're thinking.  "That's only 95% of the playlist.  What about the final 5%?"  Well although this may seem narcissistic - hey, it's my station - 5% of a day is almost one hour, and every night from 11pm to midnight, we take a break from music to play the Best of Sports Limelight!